Wednesday, January 30, 2008

3 Simple Ways to Get Out Of Overwhelm

At some point or another in our lives we get a feeling of overwhelm. Sometimes it is for a brief moment. At other times, it last so long it seems like we can't shake the feeling. So we get depressed and start sinking deeper. It is like a never ending cycle, the deeper we go, the more overwhelm we feel. There is good news; we can take steps to dig ourselves out of the hole. The main reason why we feel overwhelm is that we see the huge task at hand or the clutter in our personal space. I invite you to take a look at the following three simple ways that you can get rid of overwhelm.

  1. Clear Clutter
    When your environment is cluttered you feel overwhelmed and buried. There is a feeling of being stuck in a rut. I don't know about you but, I feel like I am in the pit of despair when I have clutter. It might not be clutter that you can see. It could be boxes that you are storing in the garage or in a storage closet. I am guilty of storing boxes of "important" papers that I may need one day. I have boxes dating back to 1999, how sick is that? Well, as I am writing this article I decided to start de-cluttering one box at a time. Just the thought is freeing and after going through one box, my spirit is lifted.

    The simplest thing you can do is to start cleaning out the clutter a little at a time. The important point is to do it a little at a time so that you can feel like you are accomplishing something. If it helps, you could make a list of the things that needs to be organized. Then work on your list one item at a time. You can give yourself a nice reward for each item you complete. Before you know it you have a well-balanced living space.

  2. Clear the Closet
    Yes, the closet can add overwhelm to our lives. How many times have you stood at the closet that is full of clothes and say, "I have nothing to wear?" That is mostly for the ladies. Most of us have a closet full of clothes that we hardly use. We use 20% of the clothes 80% of the time. I am definitely guilty of that. Start cleaning out the closet by getting rid of the clothes that you have not worn in six months or a year. It hurts, but let it go. You will feel much better after it is done, I promise. I recently did just that. It hurt to get rid of some of the clothes that I love. However, I did not wear them in over a year. They were taking up closet space for no reason. The interesting thing that happened, which surprised me, I felt so good and even lighter after emptying my closet.

    Not only are you getting rid of overwhelm in your life but, you are helping others in need by donating the clothes to charity. Charity definitely lifts your spirit. Start assessing your closet and see what items you can donate to charity. Once you get in the flow you will wonder why you did not do it sooner.

  3. Clear Negative Influences
    I believe that this is the most important way to start combating overwhelm. Our minds get cluttered with negative information. Associations with negative people draw negative energy to you. We tend to feel bogged down and depressed when we are feeling negative vibes. Minimize if not eliminate people who have a negative spirit from your circle. This is for your sanity and to keep a clear head.

    Throughout your day, as a negative thought pop into your head immediately replace it with a positive thought. We are constantly bombarded with bad news on the television and in the newspaper, and that adds to our feelings of overwhelm. Start by eliminating one day of watching the news and see how you feel. Once you get used to that feeling you will give up the news completely. I make a point not to watch the news. Anything that I need to know, I will know, there are other sources to get the necessary information.

As I have always said meditate morning and night to clear you head and refocus on the positive things in your life.

Attempt any one or all three of the above ways to eliminate overwhelm and you will be glad you did. It is not a one-time process; it is something that must be done frequently to keep your mind and personal space clear. Over time, you might form such a wonderful habit of clearing your space that you never feel overwhelm again.

© 2008 Raquel C. Smith

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