Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Develop Your Intuition

A few days ago I was with my brother and an incident occurred. He said to me, “You must start seeing and stop looking,” while pointing to the center of his forehead. My immediate response was, “whatever.” However, I could not get that thought out of my head. So I started going over my life to check whether I am going through life looking or seeing. I found out that I needed to spend more time seeing. I figure, not many people pay attention to this tiny detail that makes all the difference in the world. So I decided to write this article with the intention of expanding your awareness to this issue. You don’t have to agree with me. This is just food for thought that may help you to enrich your life.

On the surface, it seems as if both words, seeing and looking, means the same thing. Some people may argue that looking at something means that you are seeing it. In a sense they are correct. On the other hand, that may not be true. Think about it. How many times have you searched for something and not find it when you are looking right at it.

It is said, and I believe, that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I heard a lady yesterday saying that she can tell by someone’s eyes that they are a walking dead because the eyes look empty. The eyes are not showing any light. One could debate that that person is looking and not seeing. Looking is having your eyes fixed on an object. Seeing could be described as noticing every detail about that object, both surface and implied.

Seeing involves using your sixth sense or intuition; some people say your third eye. Whatever term you use, it means going beyond your immediate observation or lack thereof. It means paying more attention to everything and every situation. I am sure you have heard the saying, “read between the lines.” Well, that is the essence of what I am talking about.

How many times have we let an opportunity pass us by because we failed to see it in front of us? The answer is too many to count. We miss the trees because of the forest or vice versa. We love to say, “20-20 hindsight is great.” Guess what, we are built with the ability to see during the fact if only we take the time to do so. That means using our intuition more and being in expanded awareness as second nature.

So, take time out to develop your inner knowing and begin to see things below the surface. The more you practice doing so, the better you will be at utilizing your skill. Remember you were born with it, use it or lose it. As time goes by you will notice that it becomes as natural as breathing and your life becomes more enriching.

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